Here’s what you need to know
Starts at 6:30pm
This event is FREE
No experience necessary
Fun and informal: You can sit and listen or participate as much as you want
We will read “A Few Good Men.” This table read is led by Brad McKenzie. More information about the play and ACT play reads below.
About the Play
A Few Good Men is a Broadway hit about the trial of two Marines for complicity in the death of a fellow Marine at Guantanamo Bay sizzles on stage. The Navy lawyer, a callow young man more interested in softball games than the case, expects a plea bargain and a cover-up of what really happened. Prodded by a female member of his defense team, the lawyer eventually makes a valiant effort to defend his clients and, in so doing, puts the military mentality and the Marine code of honor on trial.
A Few Good Men was written by Aaron Sorkin of The West Wing and The Social Network fame. It premiered at the Music Box Theater in New York City on November 15, 1989.
About Table Reads
The Play Selection Committee of Athens Community Theatre hosts several opportunities each season to read plays for fun. Participation in a table read is a great way to “dip a toe in” to see what it’s like to work with ACT. The play is read in a casual setting: you can let us know if you want to participate or you just want to listen in. And you can change your mind at any time.