Will you invest in the lasting legacy of The Arts Center?

Why pledge or donate to our capital campaign?

The arts improve our lives. Athens Area Council for the Arts improves the quality of life in our area through performing arts, visual arts, community engagement, and arts education programs.

AACA’s volunteers and staff have enthusiastically served our community for over 40 years by offering opportunities for the expression and appreciation of the arts. And gracious support from friends like you has made it happen. 

We need you to help us write the next chapter of The Arts Center’s story.

Here’s how it started…

Our humble organization has seen so much growth since moving into our home in 2005 that by 2019, our board was playing musical chairs with ACT rehearsals, painting classes, and choir rehearsals in order to have a monthly meeting. We responded to our arts community’s call for more space – and to dedicate specific areas for rehearsal, classes, and collaboration. We were blessed to find that space right next door to our current building. When we purchased these three additional properties, we expanded our footprint by nearly 6,000 square feet.

Having the square footage was amazing, but it was in rough shape, and wasn’t ready to take AACA to the next chapter in our story. So, we gathered together to imagine and scheme – just like we did in 1979. We designed the new space to meet our needs, engaged an architect, and launched the quiet phase of a Capital Campaign.

And then Covid-19 happened…

Our quiet campaign ignited our community’s imagination and raised more than half of our initial goal by the time we were ready to announce our efforts publicly. Unfortunately, fundraising efforts quickly halted due to  the COVID-19 pandemic.

We did not stop working during our fundraising pause, however; our Building Committee has overseen the installation of new roofing for our entire facility and organized volunteers to paint the outside of our new buildings and began demolition on drop ceilings and interior walls.

Here’s where we are right now…

Renovation has begun! We learned in early 2022 that our initial goal would not allow us to make renovations to our new space and improvements to our current plan to best serve our volunteers and patrons. The good news is, as of November 2022, we have nearly $1.2 million in donations and pledges toward our new goal of $1.6 million dollars.


Early support from Campaign Kickstarters allowed us to purchase the buildings and pay for new roofs on all our properties. The generosity of the donors listed here has allowed us to begin renovations on The Arts Center of our future.*

PIONEER - $100,000

The City of Athens, Tennessee

Peggy V. Helmerich / The Helmerich Trust

Brenda & Foy Mitchell


IMAGINEER - $50,000

Laura & Mullie LeNoir

David Mayfield, Missy Mayfield, Debbie & Rob Mayfield

Lisa & Scottie Mayfield

McMinn County

Mintie C. Willson, Meredith Willson, Chelsey & Hugh Willson, and Deb & Paul Willson

DREAMER - $25,000

Clarice & J. Dean Baggett

Judy & Bill Biddle

Becky & Mitchell Bryant

Lucia Clark Case

Elaine & John Cathcart

In Memory of Dixie & Swayne Grissom
by Skylar Dean

George R. Johnson Family Foundation

Ellen & Art Kimball

Kiwanis Club of Athens

Elizabeth & Jeremy Loftis, Jordon & Robert Nelson, and Freddie & Jim Nelson

The Lyndhurst Foundation

In Memory of Joseph E. Proctor and In Honor of Shirley I. Proctor

Sydney Trew, Katie & Cullen Trew, and

Cailtin & Matt Johnson

BELIEVER - $10,000


Margaret & Frank Akers

Sharon Brown / State Farm Insurance

Melissa & James Bagley

Sandra & Mike Boyd

Jan Burleson & G. David Brown

Capstar Bank


Food City K-VA-T

Hiwassee Builders Supply

Janie & Allan Jones

Sandra Kinney & Michael Stevenson

The Matias Leonesio Family

C. Scott & Muriel Mayfield Family Foundation

Sarah & Chris Maynard

Milli & David Richter

Janice & Bob Roseberry

Karen & Dave Siklosi


Valley Oil Company /
Shirley & Sonny Woodcock

The Willis Family

Wolfenden Family Pharmacies /
Lisa & Jeff Wolfenden

PATRON - $5,000


Lauren Brown

Susan Buttram

Whitney Kimball & Matt Coe

Penny & Doug Cross

Judi & Shelley Griffith

Lindsey & Andrew Kimball

Cynthia Webb McCowan

Eyes of Athens /
Katelyn McGee & Christopher Muegge

NAPA Auto Parts of Athens /
Casey & Jody Harrison

Peoples Bank of East Tennessee

Sarah & Perry Philpott

Myra & Joel Riley

Pam & Rick Thigpen

In Memory of George & Mary Ellen Naff by Jim Thompson

Lauren & Scott Trew


In Memory of Virginia & Bacon Walthall by Bennett & Louis Prichard, Ann & Richard Doran, Betty Dysart, and Martin Walthall

Laurel & Charles Wood

SUPPORTER - $1,000

Anonymous (2), AM Investment Strategies, LLC, Emily & Daniel Arrington, Joyce Baker, Bargain Barn, Inc., Brittany Barr & Scott Sellers, Kathy & Mike Bevins,
Mary Lib & Speight Bird, Beverly & Robert Briody, Katie & Robby Bursley, Maddie Bursley, Melonie & Paul Carideo, Pat Chester, Blake Chastain, Nancy Chinchor, George & Carole Cinci, Kathy & Charlie Clark, Anna & Randy Cook, Betsy & Kim Cox, Charles Cox, Rebecca & Travis Cox, Tsali Notch Vineyard / Sally & Cary Cox, Sharon & Jay Crittenden, Martha Culvahouse & Jack Waggett, Denise & Jeff Cunningham, Judi & Cary Davis, Trish & Bill Drury, In Honor of Peggy Dow by
Sally & Dwain Ealy, Carlton Ealy, Estes & Kennedy Law Office, PLLC, Robin & Jerry Estes, Carolyn & Bill Foree, Linda & Robert Foster, Free Hill Community Residents, Larae & Phil Graves, Greeks Bearing Gifts / Patti & Jim Greek, Carolyn & Shirel Grimmett, Carole & Davis Haynes, Debbie & Tom Hamilton,
DeLane & Evan Haren, Beverly Harrison, Teresa & Tom Hughes, Liz & Glen Ingram, In Memory of Nelson Green by Beth & Bryan Jackson, Rebecca Jaquish,
Margie & Doug Jones, Sarah & Ben Kennedy, Boni & Joe Kross, Nancy & Ron Kyzer, Georgia & Bob Lamb, Lisa & Joe Littleton, In Memory of Mattie Witt Long and Jess Long, Autumn Lowry, Cindy & Lynn Massingale, Mayfield Dairy, Mayfield Farm & Nursery / Jamie & Michael Mayfield, Jaime & Robert McGinnis,
Traci & Brad McKenzie, Beth & Jim Mercer, Joy Merckson, Miller & McPhail CPAs, PLLC, Sam Moser / Main Street Studio Architects, Brenda & Randy Mullins, Jackie & Todd Newman, ORNL Federal Credit Union, Ella & Rick Parker, Myra & Rusty Patterson, Vivien & Alan Payne, Sylvia Pelley, Lynn & Bo Perkinson,
In Honor of Carla Arterburn by Amelia & Mark Reedy, Ginger & Joe Robinson, Liz & Chris Schreck, Mary & Fred Seals, Sue & Charles Senn,
Olivia Sloane Shepherd, Eleanor & Bill Sikes, Mary Ann & Mike Siklosi, Kay & Mike Simmons, Libby Skorupan, Sliger's Jewelers / Pat & Gene Sliger,
Stephen Sliger, Shirley & Jerry Smith, Amy & Stuart Sullins, Christa & Trey Sullins, Katie & C. Seth Sumner, Renee Grayson & Chris Trew, Susan & Mort Trew,
In Memory of Helen O'Donnell by Kristin Tubb, Warren Jackson CPAs, PLLC, Webb Plumbing, Heating & Electric, Willhite & Mitchell, PLLC,
Jeanne & Grady Williams, William Lane Willson, Cynthia & Ben Wilson, William Wilson, Jr., Jean Wilson, Frances Witt-McMahan, Martha Woods,
In Memory of Ronald Younger by Mary Younger

*Pledges and contributions of $1,000 or more; current as of February 1, 2025.