ACT Shows and Auditions
When can I order ACT tickets?
Purchase ACT tickets four to six weeks prior to
opening night online, by phone, or in person at
The Arts Center. Prices are $15 - $25.
About Table Reads
The Play Selection Advisory Committee of Athens Community Theatre hosts several opportunities to read plays and musicals for fun each season. Participation in a table read is a great way to “dip a toe in” to see what working with ACT is like. The play is read casually: you can let us know if you want to participate or just listen in. And you can change your mind at any time.
About Auditions
Auditions are held a week before the rehearsal period (usually about 7-9 weeks before opening night) and are open to everyone! No prior acting or singing experience is needed. Want to learn more? Click here for more information about how to be notified of and prepare for auditions.
About Athens Community Theatre (ACT)
ACT is the resident theater company of The Arts Center. Established in 1980, it is the oldest community theater operating in the tri-county area. ACT produces at least two plays and one musical each year in the Sue E. Trotter Theater at The Arts Center. Other programs include play reading gatherings and staged readings. Participants are all volunteer.
ACT’s mission is to use the transformative, inspiring, collaborative elements of theatre to create a dynamic artistic space for our community – a place where audience members from diverse backgrounds see their stories depicted onstage and a place where theatre artists feel safe acting as storytellers. We hope you’ll join us – on stage, back stage, and in the audience.