2023-24 Season
Aug 12, 2023
6:30 PM
Ever been to an annual meeting with karaoke?
Hardly anything happens at The Arts Center without a little singing, dancing, and having fun. So, it’s no wonder this fundraiser will have hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, a little preview of our season, some announcements from our board, and of course…karaoke!
The main purpose of this fundraiser is to announce the full 2023-2024 performance season and enjoy hanging out with fellow arts enthusiasts in the Sue E. Trotter Theater at The Arts Center. Our EMCEE this year is the jovial and always fun-loving Jim Kirkland, while friendly and fabulous Blake Chastain will keep the tunes turning.
Important Information
Here’s what we’re going to do, starting at 6:30 PM
Meet and Greet with announcements from board president, Scottie Mayfield
Learn about our upcoming season
Enjoy food and drink and visiting with other party-goers
At 7:00 PM, we’ll sing karaoke* until 9:30 PM
What else do I need to know?
Tickets are $25—this is a fundraiser, so proceeds go back into AACA’s operating fund.
This event is casual and fun. So, dress up or down—we don’t care—we just want you to have a blast!
*ages 18 and older